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» » Французский журналист спросил лидера хунты Яценюка, когда тот остановит геноцид

Французский журналист спросил лидера хунты Яценюка, когда тот остановит геноцид

On May 13 Ukrainian Prime-Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk visited Paris, where he held talks with French authorities.

Mr Yatsenyuk, when will you stop the genocide in Donbass? – French journalist

On May 14, 2015 Frédéric Saillot interviewed Ukrainian Prime-Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk for Eurasie Express Agency.

Saillot: Mr Yatsenyuk, when will you stop the genocide in Donbass?

Yatsenyuk: When Putin pulls back and implements the Minsk Deals and stops the violation of international law. And when Russia is brought to justice.

Saillot: You already killed from six to ten thousand people. Will you continue?

Yatsenyuk: That’s awful, when President Putin conducting his far right nationalistic policy killed innocent Ukrainians, illegally annexed Crimea, invaded Donetsk and Lugansk…

Saillot: YOU kill innocent Ukrainians! You killed from six up to ten thousand civilian people.

Then Saillot tried to keep on communicating with the Prime-Minister, but Yatsenyuk diverted his attention to the questions of other journalists.