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UN Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin to Washington: "Stop interfering in the internal affairs of sovereign states."
18-09-2014, 04:26 25129 0
Ukraine accused Russia on Thursday of entering its territory with tanks, artillery and troops, and Western powers said Moscow had "outright lied" about its role and dangerously escalated the conflict.
Fighting for Donbass in the name of France: interview with the French volunteers who came to defend Novorossia (video)
18-09-2014, 04:16 1042 0
The video interview with the French volunteers fighting for Donbass against the fascist junta of Kyev and its Western patrons.
Donetsk Efficient Counter-Offensive
18-09-2014, 04:15 1328 0
August, 24 the Prime Minister of the Donetsk People Republic who is the same time its troops Commander-in-Chief declared that Republican Army is no militia any more but regular army. He understressed that 1200 fightsmen trained in the territory of the Russian Federation had been back to Donbass and
Parade of War Prisoners in Donetsk Like It Was (photo and video)
18-09-2014, 04:13 1437 0
August, 24, when the Ukraine Independense Day was celebrated in Kyev by Petr Poroshenko words about people of Donbass looking for deliberation by the Ukrainian Army, those people of Donbass, already used to see how the Ukrainian Army destroy their homes and kill their compatriots, watched at the
Lughansk receives Russian Humanitarian Aid under Ukrainian fire
18-09-2014, 04:07 1544 0
First day, August, 25, people in Lughansk failed to receive humanitarian aid delivered from Russia because of Ukrainian fire from Veselaya Gora mound near the city. Russian journalists were among those who citizens who had found themselves under the shells of Kyev Fascists.
"The Telegraph": Ukraine crisis: the neo-Nazi brigade fighting pro-Russian separatists
18-09-2014, 04:05 1385 0
The fighters of the Azov battalion lined up in single file to say farewell to their fallen comrade. His pallid corpse lay under the sun in an open casket trimmed with blue velvet.
Продолжение украинского конфликта неизбежно. Фриц Морген
18-09-2014, 04:00 1564 0
Макаренко Олег (Фриц Морген) блогер высказал свое мнение по поводу сложившейся ситуации на Украине и Новороссии.
Russland wurde schon lange nicht mehr so dreckig niedergeschlagen Andrej Sidenko
18-09-2014, 03:48 1510 0
Wir haben heute wieder Anja Maria via Skype in unserem Studio, sie hat ein Russischen Forum besucht und möchte uns darüber erzählen. In diesem Forum haben Menschen von verschiedenen Ländern teilgenommen, so wie aus Deutschland als auch Amerika. Sie haben von vielen wichtigen