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Обзор боевой ситуации от ополченца Прохорова
24-09-2014, 22:00 1368 1
Обзор боевой ситуации от ополченца Прохорова 24.09.2014
Украинский народ болен, и его надо лечить. Алан Мамиев
24-09-2014, 21:30 1614 0
Боец батальона «Восток», ополченец Алан «Коба» Мамиев поделился своим мнением относительно геополитической обстановке в мире и на Донбассе.
С мечом пришли, от меча и погибнут
24-09-2014, 21:30 1454 0
Боец батальона "Русь", ополченец с позывным «Орк» осветил военную ситуацию на Донбассе.
Artillery Firing - September 18th - Behind the Scenes
24-09-2014, 20:36 1074 0
September 23, 2014, Lugansk region.
Kiev itself give Novorossia Mariupol
24-09-2014, 20:33 1831 0
Donetsk residents return home. That is, of course, come back to all the cities of Donbass, but I know better Donetsk, in which millions of "pre-war" today, according to Acting Donetsk mayor Constantine Savinova, lives about 750 thousand inhabitants.
Ukraine: Nazi-like torture techniques used in Kramatorsk against POWs and civilians sitting in pits.
24-09-2014, 20:31 1051 0
September 22, 2014. Captured POWs and civilians are inhumanely tortured in pits and branded with Nazi swastikas in Kramatorsk.
Hard road to a genuine agreement
24-09-2014, 20:29 1778 28
The cease-fire in eastern Ukraine - this is good news for the long-suffering of the local population, but the truce remains extremely unstable and generates different expectations as both sides of the conflict, and of the forces that support them from abroad.
Ukrainian people sick, and it should be treated. Alan Mamiev
24-09-2014, 20:26 1332 0
Soldier battalion "Vostok", militia Alan "Koba" Mamiev shared his views on the geopolitical situation in the world and in the Donbas.