Ukrainian people sick, and it should be treated. Alan Mamiev
24-09-2014, 20:26
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Soldier battalion "Vostok", militia Alan "Koba" Mamiev shared his views on the geopolitical situation in the world and in the Donbas. "I came here to help his people in the fight against Nazism. We have to finish them off and complete the work begun by our grandfathers, - said Alan. - 3 months I'm at Donbass. During this time a lot has happened. People were not ready for war. In such a short time has grown into a militia army of New Russia. And now we are ready to release the Donbass, and then Ukraine from neo-Nazis. All white-band marches cause irritation. We must remember that in Russia there are many people, but on the march out of unity. Therefore, the voice of the people of such events can not be considered. Russian - belonging to a large, global civilization. Now that civilization is attacking the West. But we recapture and go on the offensive. Demonizing Russia, Kiev junta fails to consolidate the Ukrainian people against the Russian-speaking population. But it will not last long. Many people are becoming aware of what is happening in reality, the more energy and resources in Ukraine have ended long ago. Neo-Nazis - pathetic impersonators Nazi Germany, but for all that they have shed blood and it must be stopped. Ukrainian people sick, and it should be treated. America is ready to war with Russia, until recently, Ukrainian. Therefore, we must unite together, stop the fratricide and on the offensive. " |